Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fire Safety with Austin Box

Austin Box put out a small brush fire near a Norman night spot earlier this week. While I believe he should be lauded for his achievements in fire safety and water conservation, the Norman Police were not as amused, and cited him for 'outraging public decency'. I'm not even sure what that means. I think it relates to the raging fire he extinguished.


Anonymous said...

Little Axe volunteer fire chief in waiting...

HeadThief said...

that made me laugh. I would imagine with everyone peeing on their way to the car at the Thunderbird Casino, you can't get a fire started in Little Axe.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Box should be commended for his quick actions. He'd be awarded a metal in the military for "improvising, adapting and overcomming." HAHA. Seemed like the thing to do at the time....sir.